
Is not time for opportunism

The Brazilians now live a great time tourist. The announcement yesterday by the Central Bank shows that in the first five months of the year, spending on international travel reached US$ 10.3 billion (about R$ 23 billion, by converting the dollar today). This signals some important issues that need...

Open Skies between Brazil and the United States arrives in 2015

The Department of Transportation of the United States (DOT) yesterday presented a proposal for a further 28 new flights between Brazil and the United States, confirming the Guarulhos airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil as the main destination. Flights will be 14 later this year and the other by the end of...

Government measures can mess with Brazilian airline industry

The minister of Civil Aviation, Moreira Franco, tell the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, about measures that are circulating in Congress modifying the airline industry can tinker with the board segment. An old fear ever prowled the sector, the opening of borders to foreign companies from...

Rio de Janeiro confirms his reputation for expensive city

Research International Prices of Hotel Management, published by Embratur confirmed an old complaint of tourists. Especially in the last two to three years. The city is getting expensive, driving away tourists and making room for the discovery of new destinations, new routes. According to data...

Normalcy returns to Boeing 787 this Monday

After three-month suspension of operations, normalcy back to the lives of Boeing 787 Dreamliner on Monday (20/05), resuming domestic flights in the United States. International flights with United Airlines 787, however, only resume June 10, on the route between Denver and Tokyo. The decision of...

ANAC invests in supervision to prevent accidents

The National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) has decided to invest in checks to avoid risky situations. The result is that, in just five operations now in 2013, in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Manaus, were suspended permits to fly the 159 aircraft. In Rio de Janeiro conducted two inspections,...

Not everything is crisis in the airline industry

There was a time when travel was for the wealthy and airports as well remembered the parades of big brand names Parisians. With the low fare companies market popularizing the sector increased, showing mainly long-haul flights, which leaves more account go by plane to face several hours by bus. I...

TAM announces news from 1st June

The news is now very good. From June TAM expands the deadline for redeeming miles for six months to one year, in case of international flights. With this, it will be much easier to plan the trip of your dreams. The possibility of finding better seats will be infinitely greater. However, will cause...

Visto canadense, cada dia mais fácil

Já foi o tempo em que visto era algo demorado e muito caro. Hoje os valores estão mais acessíveis, se levarmos em conta o prazo de concessão. E, para atrair cada vez mais turistas, ajudando a economia local, os países estão sempre buscando inovações que possam facilitar esse processo e abrir as...

Adeus, visto mexicano

Para muitos, o anúncio de que o visto mexicano deixa de ser exigido a partir dessa quinta-feira (16/05) pode não fazer qualquer diferença. Entretanto, com a visão de uma "aldeia" cada vez mais global que temos do mundo, essa ação traduz-se em um importante passo para todos os turistas. Deixamos de...